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35+ Feng Shui living room ideas – layout, colours and rules

Whether you live in a townhouse, duplex, large family home, or tiny apartment, your living room is the hub of your home. And the reason why it is so important is that it’s the space where you relax or enjoy the company of guests. Your living room should feel like an inviting, peaceful oasis. But if it’s cluttered, or has furniture placed in awkward positions, or uses a mismatch of colours and tones, it can be a source of stress.

Using the Feng Shui concept transforms the flow of qi (energy) in your space, taking it from chaotic and disorganised to a steady, calm flow that is peaceful and refreshing. So here are my top Feng Shui living room ideas, which include location, layout, furniture, colours, and decor.

Living room location

When it comes to designing your living room, you may have never considered thinking about its location. But you may be surprised that where your living room is positioned in your home makes all the difference in the flow of energy and your family’s comfort.

1. Avoid the centre of the house

First things first – your living room should not be located in the centre of the house. If your living room is located deep inside your house, energy won’t be able to reach it because the flow will stall and eventually stop because it has to pass through so many other rooms.

2. Two outside walls

Instead of situating your living room in the middle of the house, make sure it’s between two exterior walls. Being close to the outdoors allows your living room to receive the fresh and positive energy that flows from nature. This will also keep your space from becoming stale or stagnant. Ultimately, a living room between two outside walls will feel like a healthy, life-filled space.

3. Filled with natural light

As your living room will be connected to two outside walls, it will be well lit. Ideally, lots of sunshine will pour through your windows and you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of nature. Outside-facing windows will also allow for plenty of ventilation, bringing a cool, outdoor breeze through your home.

Source: Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash

4. No direct facing doors

To create the perfect Feng Shui, you’ll need to make sure the living room doesn’t have any direct facing doors. If you do, the energy will get trapped between the two doors and won’t reach the rest of the space.

5. Minimal windows and doors

While light and ventilation are important, too many windows and doors can ruin a living room’s Feng Shui. If you make this mistake, your living room will have chaotic energy that can feel quite unsettling. Keep the energy flowing by avoiding too many windows and no more than two doors.

Prepare the room

6. Clear the space

Before you settle into your new living room, it’s important to clear the space to create a good Feng Shui. You can do this by smudging, ringing bells or diffusing essential oils.

Source: Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

7. Air out the stale energy

A simple way to prepare your space is to open all of the outside-facing windows for a minimum of nine minutes. Why nine? Well, nine is the most favourable number in Feng Shui. Letting the air flow through your living room will allow the old energy to leave and make room for the new. While you’re at it, take the time to wipe down surfaces and windows with natural cleaning products.

Source: Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

8. Declutter

In today’s consumerist age, we can get so obsessed with buying the ‘new thing’ that we have way too much stuff in our homes. And the truth is that this kind of clutter can really add to the stress and overwhelm we feel in our already busy lives.

Prepare your living room by taking the time to get rid of the things you don’t need anymore. Keep items of significant value, but don’t be afraid to let go and pass on items that no longer serve you. Remember, not every nook and cranny has to be filled. Sometimes simple is so much better.

Feng Shui living room layout

After you’ve figured out the best position for your living room and cleared out your space, it’s time to determine the layout.

9. Make sure there’s room for everyone

While you may be constrained by size, it’s important to make sure there’s room for every member of the family in your living room. Feng Shui living rooms should be able to host guests and extra family members with ease. So think about how you can optimise your small living room to allow for more people. The larger the living room, the more the positive energy is able to flow effortlessly in and around the space.

10. Comfortable and accommodating

No matter the physical size of your living room, it’s important to consider how you can accommodate people comfortably. You should take this into mind when you make your furniture choices. Think about how many people will be able to sit on the sofa, or if you need extra stools or pull-out seating for extra guests.

Source: Photo by Daniel Chen on Unsplash

11. Maintain pathways

A piece of furniture that sticks out into the natural pathway of a living room is not only a safety hazard but it also blocks energy from flowing freely throughout the space. Therefore, it’s crucial to make sure you keep all architectural pathways free from furniture placement, so people (and energy) can move comfortably about the room.

12. Reflect the environment

If your living room enjoys the benefit of a beautiful outside view, arrange your furniture so that the view can be appreciated from all angles. This is where you may need to get creative. If one side of the room doesn’t look at the view, consider hanging a large mirror that reflects the landscape. Incorporating natural views will increase the positive energy and make for a calming space.

Source: Photo by Alaksiej Čarankievič on Unsplash

13. Mindful TV placement

If you’re wanting to be really specific in creating a space that serves your desires, then you should follow the Feng Shui energy map. This provides specific instructions on which direction-specific types of furniture should be placed in.

When it comes to your media system, a TV and cabinet placed on the north side of the living room is said to attract good luck in your career. While a TV that’s placed in the south of your living room is said to enhance the possibility of fame and respect.

You might even need some custom tv cabinetry to be made for the room.

14. Strategic fireplace

If you’ve got the freedom to choose where your fireplace can go, you should! Like TV placement, similar rules apply for the position of your fireplace. A fireplace in the northeast of your living room is said to help with clarity of thought and good education. And a south or southwest fireplace is said to help with romance and love.

Source: Photo by Zac Gudakov on Unsplash

Feng Shui furniture

Now that you’re a little more clear on how you should arrange your furniture, it’s time to figure out exactly what pieces you’ll bring into your space to optimise your living room’s Feng Shui.

15. Rounded pieces

While you may like right angles and sharp corners, they actually significantly take away from the peacefulness of a space. In Feng Shui terminology, harsh angles are called ‘poison arrows,’ meaning they focus negative energy on a specific point. Avoid corners where you can, and opt for smooth, rounded edges instead.

Source: Photo by Qinghong Shen on Unsplash

16. Square or rectangular coffee table

While round edges certainly are the preferred style in a Feng Shui living room, you may be able to break the rules when it comes to your coffee table. A square or rectangular coffee table can be more conducive for success.

This has little to do with the shape and more to do with the function of the piece. A coffee table creates convenience, allowing people to place objects on it. As it’s a vital element for hospitality, your Feng Shui will reflect that!

17. Place a mirror strategically

If you have a small living room, this tip is for you! Hang a mirror to make your space feel larger than it really is. Choose a size that allows you to see your entire head, shoulders, and chest line. But just be mindful of what your mirror is reflecting, as it is said to double the energy of what it reflects.

18. Wooden elements

Feng Shui living rooms typically include wooden items. And you can incorporate wood into your space by choosing from large furniture pieces to little decor elements. When it comes to arranging your wooden pieces, place bookshelves and photo frames in the east and southeast, and wooden furniture in the south.

Source: Photo by Linh Le on Unsplash

19. Metal decor

In the west and northwest areas of your living room, you can incorporate metal. Little touches like bowls, trays, candlesticks, and photo frames will make all the difference to your space. If you’ve got a beautiful family photo that you want to display, consider placing it in a metal frame and hanging it on the west wall of your living room for good luck.

Sofa Feng Shui

20. Position it against a solid wall

Often the first piece of furniture that you buy when you’re creating a new living room is your couch. While recent design trends favour floating the sofa in the middle of the living room, this is actually bad Feng Shui. Floating elements can make people feel uncomfortable and off-balance. Instead, create a sense of security by positioning your couch against a solid wall.

Source: Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

21. It doesn’t have to touch the wall

While you should place your couch against a wall instead of floating it in the middle of the room, this doesn’t it has to be pressed right up against the wall. You can leave a few centimetres of space between your couch and the wall to allow the air to flow, without sacrificing on the sense of security that the wall provides.

22. Avoid positioning it against the window

One major mistake people make when introducing their new sofa to a living room is that they place it up against the window. Now, we’ve already discussed that the couch should go up against the wall, but you’re probably wondering, “What’s wrong with a window?” Well, windows (and doorways) allow for unknown movement. If a person is always on the watch out for movement outside, they won’t be able to fully relax because their survival instincts will be in use. So, even if you can’t place your couch against a solid wall, do not put it against a window!

23. Position it with a view of the main door

Just like you need to be strategic when it comes to windows, you must do the same for doors. When a person sits on the couch, they should be able to have a clear view of the door. This will help the person feel more comfortable in the space and increase their ability to relax. If this isn’t possible, consider adding a mirror that allows the person to view the main door through the reflection.

24. Keep it in proportion to the room size

This is another huge mistake that people make when it comes to furnishing their living room. While maximalists may despair, there is such a thing as too much furniture when it comes to Feng Shui. A room will feel comfortable if the furnishings are in proportion.

Avoid choosing couches that are way too big for the space, as they will make everything else feel cramped. Similarly, don’t make the mistake of choosing a sofa that’s too tiny, leaving the room feeling empty and strange. Instead, choose furniture that fits your living room like a glove! Consider different shapes and sizes and play around with the ratios until you find a solution that makes your living room feel comfortable and secure.

Source: Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

25. Position it near the room’s focal point

If you have a focal point in your living room (fireplace, hanging picture, feature wall, TV, etc) then you want to make it shine. But by placing your sofa on the opposite side of the room to your focal point, you could be taking away from it without realising.

Instead, position your couch on the same side of the room as your feature piece. The couch will help bridge the gap and allow your guests to enjoy the focal point of your room without separation.

26. Add the right amount of cosiness

I’m sure you’ve been in a living room where the couch is so jam-packed with cushions that it’s actually uncomfortable to sit on. This is something we want to avoid! Couches that have good Feng Shui should be comfortable to sit on but should also have the right amount of pillows and throws that add a cosy touch without going overboard.

Source: Photo by Nathan Oakley on Unsplash

27. Avoid placing it under a ceiling beam

In China, ceiling beams traditionally signal bad luck. This belief originated from the potential for earthquakes and tremors to be a higher risk for people who sat underneath ceiling beams.

These days, exposed beams are extremely popular – they add architectural detail and old-world charm to a ceiling. But if you don’t feel comfortable with ceiling beams, simply paint them the same colour as the rest of your ceiling. This will reduce the overall visual impact the beams have on the room. If you want to leave your ceiling beams as they are, simply move your couch so it’s not directly under the exposed beams.

28. Don’t place two sofas across from each other

This is a major no-no! Feng Shui seeks to minimise discomfort and create a peaceful space. Two pieces of furniture across from each other create a confrontational position, making people face each other directly. Most people prefer to sit slightly centre from each other, so arrange your furniture accordingly.

Source: Photo by Virender Singh on Unsplash

29. Avoid miscellaneous antiques and furniture

If you want to look after your family’s health, you should steer clear of miscellaneous antiques and small items. If something isn’t necessary to your space but is just taking up room, then it will block positive energy from flowing around your living room.

30. Stick to your personal style

While it’s crucial to keep your living room as clutter free as possible, it’s important to make sure your space reflects your family’s tastes. You don’t need to choose Chinese-inspired furniture or decor to create a great Feng Shui space. Instead, stick to Feng Shui principles and incorporate pieces that you love, placing them in the best locations for optimal energy flow.

Source: Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash

31. Wealth area

An important element of Feng Shui is the wealth area. This spot is usually at an oblique 45-degree angle facing the living room as you walk in. This area should be a peaceful space that avoids shaky items like audio equipment or a water dispenser. Instead, make it as tranquil as possible to allow for a positive effect on your wealth.

32. Lighting

The lighting is an often-overlooked element of your living room, but it’s crucial to good Feng Shui. In addition to natural lighting, which your living room should receive from its outside-facing walls, you can incorporate other elements for functionality and ambience. Table and wall lamps provide upward-flowing light. And hanging ceiling lighting provides functionality.

Balance the five elements

A simple way to incorporate good Feng Shui into your living room is to include the five elements. The elements – earth, metal, wood, and fire, make up a Taoist system that uses the cycles of nature to inform and balance our health and well-being. Here’s an overview of the five elements and how you can incorporate them into your living room.

33. Earth

Earth is shades of brown, orange, and yellow, as well as flat, square shapes. To bring the earth element into your living room, choose heavy furniture that is low to the ground. This will create a sense of stability and protection in your room.

Source: Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

34. Metal

Metal is metallic colours, white and grey, as well as spherical, round shapes. You can bring metal into your room without using bold, metal pieces. An easy way to do this is with little pieces of decor. Add cushions and throws on your couch, and a natural-coloured rug on the ground to bring in good Feng Shui.

35. Water

Water is very dark blue colours and black, with curvy and wavy shapes. You can also add water fountains, blue paint and blue throw cushions to add more ‘water’ to your space.

36. Wood

Wood is naturally green and blue colours, and rectangular, columnar shapes. Incorporate this element by adding lush plants around your space and wood-coloured pillows (greens and blues) on the couch.

Source: Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash

37. Fire

Fire is bold, red colours, and triangular shapes. If you can, incorporate a fireplace. If not, use candles to create a similar effect. And add touches of red in your decor, paint, and art.

And there you have it, 35+ different ideas for your Feng Shui living room. There are a lot of elements to consider! But before you dive into the furniture-choosing phase, remember to clear out your space and prepare your layout for good Feng Shui.

Which ideas are you going to incorporate in your Feng Shui living room? Comment and tell me!

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Elise Hodge

I've recently moved into a new home and I've been having so much fun decorating it with pretty wall prints and Scandinavian-inspired furniture. So as well as being a freelance writer, I'm always on the lookout for new design pieces for my home!

Published by
Elise Hodge

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