If you provide tax related services and you receive payment or a reward for your service, remember that you need to be registered with the TPB.
Tax Related Services
‘Tax related services’ means working out or giving advice about a person’s liabilities, obligations or entitlements under tax, or acting on their behalf in dealing with the ATO. Examples are completing a person’s or business income tax return, helping them with tax concessions they may be entitled to, or working out capital gains tax or fringe benefits tax. It’s important to remember that helping someone with their business activity statement (BAS) is also a tax related service that you need to be registered to provide.
Are there any exceptions?
If you’re an employee or a contractor of a registered tax or BAS agent, you may not need to be registered. Some legal practitioners are also exempt. You should check with the TPB to be certain.
I already am registered with the TPB, can I use Airtasker to get work?
Yes, as long as you are registered for the relevant work. For example, you can’t be registered as a BAS agent and do tax agent work on Airtasker. If you want to show you are registered on Airtasker, you can use download the Registered tax practitioner symbol on the TPB website.
What happens if I provide tax services and I am not registered?
You can get in a lot of trouble!
Providing tax agent services for a fee when you are not registered is prohibited under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA). This means that if you’re not registered and you should be, and you provide tax agent services, you are breaking the law. The Federal Court can impose penalties for up to $52,500 for individuals for providing tax agents services for a fee or reward. You can be charged up to $10,500 for advertising services, or representing yourself as registered if you are not.
Can I register?
To find out if you’re qualified to register as a tax or BAS agent, you can look at the Qualifications check on the TPB website: www.tpb.gov.au/qas
Can I give tax advice without being registered?
If you give someone financial advice for a fee or reward, and you advise them of the tax consequences of your advice, you are providing a tax (financial) advice service and should be registered with the TPB. Tax (financial) advisers need meet licensing requirements with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) too.
Where can I learn more?
You can look read more about who needs to register, and how to register on the TPB website: www.tpb.gov.au