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Top 5 Painting Tips

Painting as a kid was fun however fast-forward to now and the excitement has worn off. Not only do you have to finish the job, but there’s no paint fights and even worse you discover any the imperfections in the coming weeks.

If you’ve experienced any of the following: paint foaming, cracking, wrinkling, splatter and roller marks – then you need some pointers before you embark on your next painting challenge. Not to worry we’ve seen plenty of painting tasks get completed to perfection.

Below are some helpful painting tips

Tip 1: Prep walls
Before that paintbrush goes anywhere near the bucket, make sure you are working with smooth surfaces. Sanding after painting won’t work, and not to mention look terrible. Use a fine grit sanding paper before you paint, it will remove the rough spots.

If you’ve filled in holes and cracks don’t paint directly over it as the moisture can be sucked out of the paint. To avoid fixed holes from standing out, use a primer, preferably not white (unless you are painting the wall white) but either a grey or colour similar to the finish colour.

Tip 2: Paint quality
This is something you shouldn’t skimp on, superior paints will mean better resistance over time to mildew, stains and cleaning. It will also last longer and not fade as fast or peel off the wall.

If you need to buy a few cans of mixed paint, remember no two buckets are the same. So that you don’t end up with a two-toned wall, mix the individuals tins in a big bucket to ensure the colour is even.

Tip 3: Must have tools
– Mess free paint pourer for easy tray refills
– Painting stick to make ceiling painting 100 times easier – just don’t forget to wear glasses
– Door hinge covers are possibly the best invention ever, or you could just use tape
– Paint roller will make it quicker and easier, just don’t forget to wash it before the first time to get rid of any loose fibers – or better yet use a lint roller

Tip 4: DIY Tricks
1. Cover paint tray with plastic bag or aluminium foil
2. If using a roller use the zig-zag method so paint goes on smoothly
3. Put Vaseline over areas you don’t want painted e.g. screws
4. Use a rubber band around the paint tin to wipe off excess paint
5. When finished cover left over paint in tin with cling wrap before you put the lid on to prevent sticking

Tip 5: Friends
Invite a couple of mates around to help, if you provide the pizza and beer you’ll hear no complaints and it will be finished in half the time (maybe check their painting credentials before roping them in). Plus you can totally have a paint fight.

Got some helpful tips? Share yours below!

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