Be your own boss
Earn up to $10,750 a month on Airtasker*
Join Airtasker*Based on the average monthly earnings of the top 1%

All on your terms
Find jobs that fit your skills and schedule.
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Payments on lock
Receive payment direct to your bank account when tasks are completed.
Skills can thrill
Put all your skills on display, from designing a logo to decluttering a home.

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Sign up and start browsing instantly. Set up notifications on the Airtasker App to be alerted in real time about jobs that match your skills and interest.
Join Airtasker
Set your price
Found a job you’re up for? Set your price and make an offer. You can adjust and discuss it later if you need to.
Join Airtasker
Complete the job. Get paid. Easy.
When you mark a task as complete, a Request for Payment is sent directly to the job poster so they can release payment instantly.
Join AirtaskerCreate your profile and start browsing jobs
It’s free and takes less than a minute to sign up.
We've got you covered
Whether you’re a posting a task or completing a task, you can do both with the peace of mind that Airtasker is there to support.
Airtasker’s insurance coverPublic liability insurance
Airtasker Insurance covers you for any accidental injury to the customer or property damage whilst performing certain task activities
Top rated insurance
Airtasker Insurance is provided by Chubb Insurance Australia Limited, one of the world’s most reputable, stable and innovative insurance brands.
Download the Airtasker App
Receive new task notifications even if you’re on a job or on the road
Browse hundreds of tasks wherever you are - no extra charges
Private messaging with customers
Frequently asked questions
There’s a huge range of tasks on Airtasker. From home maintenance tasks such as cleaning, gardening and handyman tasks to office-based tasks, such as admin, graphic design, and web design tasks. There are also a bunch of interesting tasks as well, for example, pet grooming, makeup artistry, tutoring, and cabinet making.
The customer will let you know if the task needs to be completed in person or remote and provide dates that tasks need to be completed by.
You can start working on the task knowing that your payment for the task has been secured with Airtasker Pay from the customer. When you complete the task and request payment, the customer will be notified to release the task payment. This is then securely transferred to your nominated bank account.
Airtasker automatically deducts a service fee when the payment is released to include variable transactional and insurance costs and also ongoing maintenance costs to continuously improve and develop the Airtasker platform, maximising your opportunity to earn more.